
PANIC Team at dome

The following people form the PANIC team, in alphabetical order:

Name Area Institute
Mathias Alter Control electronics MPIA
Peter Bizenberger System Engineer, AIV MPIA
M. Concepción Cárdenas Optics, AIV MPIA
Matilde Fernandez Principal Investigator, science IAA-CSIC
Antonio J. García Segura Control software (OT) IAA-CSIC
Jens Helmling Calar Alto feedback CAHA
Armin Huber Mechanical Design MPIA
José Miguel Ibáñez Control and data reduction software IAA-CSIC
Werner Laun Cryotechnique MPIA
Ulrich Mall Read Out Electronics MPIA
Klaus Meisenheimer Principal Investigator, science MPIA
Richard J Mathar Control and acquisition Software MPIA
Lars Mohr Electronics MPIA
Vianak Naranjo Detectors MPIA


Former team members:
There are many team members who helped make PANIC happen but who no longer work at the institute that is part of the PANIC consortium or whose direct involvement with the project has ended. We are very grateful for their contribution! The following people have been involved in the project:
Harald Baumeister (Mechanics, MPIA), Txitxo Benítez (co-Principal Investigator, IAA-CSIC), Bernhard Dorner (AIV lead and operations, MPIA), Irene M. Ferro Rodríguez (AIV, IAA-CSIC), Josef Fried (Principal Investigator, MPIA), Patrick Fopp (AIV, MPIA), Javier Gorosabel (co-Principal Investigator, IAA-CSIC), Bernhard Grimm (Electronics, MPIA), Alcione Mora (Optics, IAA-CSIC), Johana Panduro (Detectors, MPIA), José Ramos (Read Out Electronics, MPIA), Julio Rodríguez (Project Management, IAA-CSIC), Ralf-Rainer Rohloff (Mechanics, MPIA), Ernesto Sánchez-Blanco (Optical consultant, DSO), Clemens Storz (Control and acquisition software, MPIA), Víctor Terrón (Data reduction software, IAA-CSIC), Marcos Ubierna (Mechanics, IAA-CSIC), Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro (co-Principal Investigator, IAA-CSIC), Karl Wagner (Electronics, MPIA).

PANIC Team at dome